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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010



8.30 pm Saturday, 28th March 2009

For 1 hour, a trageted 1000 cities will be in dark. Even 8TV, will suspend prime-time broadcast for an hour.

In December 2009 world leaders meet in Copenhagen to agree on a post-Kyoto policy for tackling climate change. One billion people voting with their light switch during Earth Hour will create a powerful mandate for our leaders to take strong and decisive action on climate change in Copenhagen.

With the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Vote Earth is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet.
Thanks to

100 ways to save water & Save Earth

100 ways to save water

Water is very important for our society, and if we start saving it, we will pay less because we consume less and of course we will keep our environment clean. After we use water, it is not the same as it was before. It is polluted…


So check out this 100 steps to learn how can you save the environment by saving water.

Thanks to :- for the article.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Things You Can Do to Help Save the Earth

Going green is easier than you think. There are little things you can do every day to help reduce greenhouse gases and make a less harmful impact on the environment. Taking care of the Earth is not just a responsibility -- it's a privilege. ­In that spirit, HowStuffWorks came up with 5 things you can do to help save the Earth.

1.­ Pay attention to how you use water. The little things can make a big difference. Every time you turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth, you're doing something good. Got a leaky toilet? You might be wasting 200 gallons of water a day [Source: EPA]. Try drinking tap water instead of bottled water, so you aren't wasting all that packaging as well. Wash your clothes in cold water when you can.
2. Leave your car at home. If you can stay off the road just two days a week, you'll reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1,590 pounds per year [Source: EPA]. Combine your errands -- hit the post office, grocery store and shoe repair place in one trip. It will save you gas and time.
3. Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can. You can reduce greenhouse gases while burning some calories and improving your health. If you can't walk or bike, use mass transit or carpool. Every car not on the road makes a difference.
Empty water
 bottles in a trash can.
If you must drink bottled water, recycle the bottle.
4. Recycle.You can help reduce pollution just by putting that soda can in a different bin. If you're trying to choose between two products, pick the one with the least packaging. If an office building of 7,000 workers recycled all of its office paper waste for a year, it would be the equivalent of taking almost 400 cars off the road [Source: EPA].
5. Compost. Think about how much trash you make in a year. Reducing the amount of solid waste you produce in a year means taking up less space in landfills, so your tax dollars can work somewhere else. Plus, compost makes a great natural fertilizer. Composting is easier than you think.